Saturday, 9 November 2013

The Push

This is something which I came across while just surfing internet and found that its not humans ,each and every species on earth has to fall once to know how to get up. And this time I came across eagles.

Eagles we all know the king of sky as soon as we see them we aspire to fly just like them. But that is not a gift they have got from god but it is wisdom of their parents which unfurls this gift for them.We all know that if we have to use anything then we have to discover it and it is the same case with the eagles as well they need to discover their wings which help them fly high in the sky and this discovery come at cost of a free fall from their nest when they are too young to even know what is free fall.

Then question is who made them undergo free fall? Any guesses........................
Its non other than their mother who despite knowing how dangerous it could be ,pushes them off nest.

And after few seconds only she discovers that it is the best gift she can provide to her childrens.

So, message is as clear as water in a lake ----------->
                                  Discover yourself.    

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