Friday, 25 October 2013

Connecting the dots

There is no single day when we forget to either blame our self or someone else for our fate.But the reality takes a different path.If you will go through the biographies of great inspirations, you will find that instead of blaming themselves or someone else. They used to lament to overcome that situation. And that is the only thing which creates difference in them and us.

You will be surprised to know that only thing which creates difference in a winner or failure is that winners are ready to run a extra mile. They are ready to take extra pain and that little extra pain land them on seventh cloud.
In a speech at Stannford Steve Jobs former CEO of apple told that their were many instance in my life where I had to broaden my vision, else I wouldn't have been in position to deliver this speech to you. Their he talked about connecting dots theory. This theory is as easy as having an afternoon siesta. Just try to link the instances in your life which were life changer for you. And you will find that everything happens for something good. No one of us even I ever thought that a game which we used to play in childhood can have such an important place in our life.  At end I will like to end my word with a great note....
                      " Winners don't do different things, they do things differently."
                                               "Stay foolish,stay hungry."

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