Thursday, 31 October 2013


Freedom is a most sought after word these days.We see here their and everyone demanding freedom. On one side children want to free themselve of studies and otherside adults are seeking freedom in other parts of life .But is this freedom necessary or it is just a demand without much thinking. Well whatsoever it may be. And it is something which one should not be devoid of and so our constitution itself lays certain freedoms as right.

But till day I am unable to understand what freedom is ? And what kind of freedom we want to seek from someone. So I want you all to think for a while what do you mean by freedom and what kind of freedom you want and is that a necessity.

 Their is a phrase which says you have to pay for everything you have. Then what is price of freedom?
 Did you ever thought about it??????????

                                "Responsibility is the price of freedom."
Lots of people feel that if we are free than we are in better position to think what is good and what is bad for us. But is that really true....Their is a fable regarding the freedom.
Once a child standing beside his father asked about the kite flying in the sky."Would that kite fly even higher if we free it off the thread?". To this his father doesn't replied anything but just freed that kite.And in no time the kite which was kissing sky had reached the ground.This demonstration explained the child that it was that string only which was making that kite fly high.
So,is the case with us if we don't have check then we might land ourself in place from where we can't get up.


Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Goal- A Unsolved Mystery

Hi, once again I am back with some more stuff to bore you guys out their. Its fact or I feel more than fact that people around us always speak about this four letter word "Goal".But is it really important to have goal in life ?????
Their are varying views about this point amongst people. Some says a goal bound us from thinking out of the box and on contrary some says "A person without goal is just like a rocket without fuel."
Well, I would rather like to write something which itself will reflect its importance in life....
     "If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things."
                                                                                                   -Albert Einstein
That great saying by einstein itself reflects importance of goal. Besides their is a sort story.

It is about a man who was having a dog and whose habit was to run along with every vehicle which used to pass around.Once a person around asked him ,"Do you feel that your dog will ever caught a vehicle?" 

In reply that person said," I am not curious about this but I feel what he will do if he even catches one."
So, this sort fable it self explain that a person without goal is just like that dog who is just frivolously run with his fellow mates.
Now the question come what sort of goal one should have ????

This question reminds me of a speech by director of my college. In this era of smart world where everything right from a mobile to TV is smart ,so should be our goal.


S- Specific
T-Time bound

Friday, 25 October 2013

Connecting the dots

There is no single day when we forget to either blame our self or someone else for our fate.But the reality takes a different path.If you will go through the biographies of great inspirations, you will find that instead of blaming themselves or someone else. They used to lament to overcome that situation. And that is the only thing which creates difference in them and us.

You will be surprised to know that only thing which creates difference in a winner or failure is that winners are ready to run a extra mile. They are ready to take extra pain and that little extra pain land them on seventh cloud.
In a speech at Stannford Steve Jobs former CEO of apple told that their were many instance in my life where I had to broaden my vision, else I wouldn't have been in position to deliver this speech to you. Their he talked about connecting dots theory. This theory is as easy as having an afternoon siesta. Just try to link the instances in your life which were life changer for you. And you will find that everything happens for something good. No one of us even I ever thought that a game which we used to play in childhood can have such an important place in our life.  At end I will like to end my word with a great note....
                      " Winners don't do different things, they do things differently."
                                               "Stay foolish,stay hungry."

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Believe It or Not !!!

Very aptly said
            " If you have faith in yourself ,you can move mountains".
We human have a tendency to always criticize someone or else. And sometimes we don't even tolerate god itself for landing us in a trouble. But is it really so or it is the big power of faith which god have encapsulated in this mortal body. What ever it may be.
But this faith has done wonders as well as blunders in everyone's life.Whether it is me or you at some moment if sit and rewind the disk of our life we will surely find few moments where faith has done wonders for us. It may be your faith in yourself, your family and even in non mortal things.
But their will be some dark moments where one in whom you have cauldrons full of faith have hurt you.
Again it can be anyone. Then the life afterwards become havoc. You need not to go much far their is a story which I think everyone of you must have heard .
It is about a shepherd with ships who ruined his own life and business by losing faith of villagers just for sake of momentous joy.
So, this is a note for my reader to never lose faith. Because it costs a lot. I have lost one which I can't make.

                               " Keep your faith bigger than your fear,
                                  Keep your goals set crystal clear,
                                  And just gear,as road is clear."

Unexperienced Writer: Quotes

Unexperienced Writer: Quotes: Nearly all men can stand adversity ,but if you want to test a man's character ,give him power.                                        ...

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Nothing Has Changed

Its last few years after I have entered the college I started feeling like everything around me has changed.
Whether it is about people,weather or anything else.From impurity level in air to amount of hairs everything has changed.
And one live example was my photograph with friends uploaded on social media.It was speaking volumes about what thoughts are going around in my mind.
But today while enjoying India - Australia match I felt nothing has changed.Same fans,same cheerfulness and same excitement.
Then 1 question what made these ironical thoughts came to my mind.There is a great saying which says "You see what you feel".
And its only my viewpoint which has changed and which brought so many changes into me and my vicinity.
So, I only want you people to feel what you want to feel and you will start having it in reality.
                        Its a magic without magical chants.